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Return of the Liberators: Trip Itinerary

Taxi Charity - Return of the Liberators - Service at Groesbeek.jpg

On 2 May 2015, 80 volunteer London taxi drivers will drive 160+ WWII veterans and their carers to Arnhem to join the Dutch people in their Liberation of Holland 70 year celebrations.

Here's an overview of the trip itinerary:

Sat 2 May 2015

17:00 Depart Union Jack Club, London

21:00 Night ferry from Harwich to Hook of Holland

Sun 3 May 2015

08:00 Disembark ferry. Dutch National Police motor cycle escort to Arnhem

12:00 Lunch at Bronbeek Military Home & Museum

14:30 Concert at Hartenstein Airborne Museum, Osterbeek. Meet local Dutch people.

17:00 Check-in at hotel

19:30 Dinner and entertainment at hotel

Mon 4 May 2015

11:00 British Military Service at Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetary

12:30 Lunch and entertainment at National Liberation Museum, Groesbeek, with Canadian war veterans and students.

17:30 Early dinner at hotel

18:30 Group splits into three parties to attend Dutch Remembrance Services at Arnhem Town Hall, Oosterbeek Town Hall and Heteran

Tues 5 May 2015

10:00 Arnhem veterans attend local Dutch service at The Airborne Memorial, Oosterbeek

15:00 All veterans attend Dutch Liberation Celebrations and Parade

18:30 Dinner and entertainment

Weds 6 May 2015

10:00 Check-out and group photos

14:15 Ferry from Hook of Holland

15:00 Service and wreath laying at sea

17:30 Dinner on board

20:00 Arrival at Harwich

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